ABS Implementation Workshop 3 Now Complete!

Combatting AMR Through Collaboration

Antimicrobial resistance is recognised as a global health emergency. To tackle this mounting threat, concerted and collaborative efforts of all stakeholders are needed.

Engaged clinical staff are critical to combatting this public health threat. Optimising the use of antibiotics within healthcare settings, spearheading the judicious use of antibiotics, preserving their effectiveness for the future, and educating are at the core of successful antibiotic stewardship (ABS) programmes. 


ABS Implementation Workshop - Cohort 3

To this end, in mid-September, cohort three representatives travelled to Zurich for their ABS implementation workshop! This two-day event saw leading figures from work packages 4 (ABS) and 5 (implementation) collaborate to provide an engaging and instructive workshop delving into ABS, interactive real-world case studies, problem-solving, and implementing strategies sustainably. 


Workshop Groups


An Interactive Programme

In a mixture of lectures and hands-on group work, Drs. Walter Zingg, Ashlesha Sonpar, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño, Lauren Clack, 

Bianca Albers, Laura Caci, Kathrin Blum, and Elena Carrara tackled topics including:

  • State-of-the-art: ABS

  • ABS within REVERSE

  • Appropriate antibiotic prescriptions

  • Real-world case studies from medicine, surgery, haematology, and intensive care

  • Implementation science - the How and the What

  • The role of the implementation teams in enhancing ABS

  • Involving key hospital stakeholders in ABS

  • Goal setting, identifying barriers and facilitators

  • Selecting and adapting context-specific implementation strategies

  • Data collection and monitoring implementation strategies


Final Thoughts

Key take-home messages for successful ABS implementation included:

1.         Build a strong, dedicated, and focused team, including both leaders and champions.

2.         Engaging all hospital stakeholders and department heads is a must.

3.         Comprehensively plan interventions according to resources.

4.         Measure data, monitor results, and continuously seek feedback.


Coming Up

Looking ahead, a key milestone for the REVERSE Project is approaching! 

The final ABS Intervention Workshop for Cohort Four is scheduled for 18 – 19 November 2024, coinciding with World Antimicrobial Awareness Week.




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