Privacy and cookies policy
Privacy Policy
REVERSE respects its visitors' privacy and collects only the absolutely necessary information in order to provide its services to its visitors and the funder. REVERSE provides two services to its users, namely its website and its electronic communications.
The REVERSE website uses cookies for its technical functioning, as well as the Google Analytics service in order to prepare aggregated, anonymous statistics reports of visitor activity.
What are cookies?
Cookies are files that contain a small amount of information and are stored on the browser or hard drive of your computer or device.
How do you block cookies?
Most browsers allow you to refuse cookies. You may block our cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. You can find out more about cookies and how to delete and control them on
If you block our use of cookies, you may be unable to access certain areas of our website and certain functions and pages will not work in the usual way.
Google Analytics
Use of Google Analytics
In order to understand how visitors perceive a specific webpage or file (i.e. a document, picture, an interactive infographic, etc.) and analyse the effectiveness of the website, REVERSE uses the Google Analytics service from Google Corporation Inc. which collects the necessary data.
IP Anonymisation
In order to avoid the collection of personally identifying information, REVERSE uses IP anonymisation by removing the last octet of the IP address prior to its storage.
Opt-out from Google Analytics
By default, the browsing experience of website visitors is tracked by Google Analytics in order to produce anonymised statistics. However, Google has developed the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on in order to provide users the ability to prevent their data from being used by Google Analytics. REVERSE respects its visitors' choices and whenever our server receives a "Do Not Track" request, the Google Analytics tracker is disabled. You can find the add-on here:
Links to other websites
The REVERSE website includes links to other websites related to the topics of the project. REVERSE is not responsible for the privacy policies of any third party.
Electronic Communications
In order to inform interested parties of its progress, REVERSE distributes several electronic communication materials in different forms. For the purpose of newsletters, REVERSE collects, stores, and processes the e-mail addresses of interested parties (the subscribers) and uses this personal data for the dissemination of its electronic communications.
By filling out and submitting the newsletter subscription form (available at the bottom side of the REVERSE website), subscribers freely consent to the processing of their e-mail address in order to receive REVERSE News. The subscribers' e-mail addresses are kept in the REVERSE database, are processed by the REVERSE Project Office, which is the dissemination leader of REVERSE, and are solely processed for the purposes of the electronic communications. There are no other types of personal data processed apart from the e-mail addresses of the subscribers. In case a subscriber does not wish to receive REVERSE communication material anymore, he/she can opt-out of receiving them just by clicking the respective link in the Newsletters, or by sending an email to with the title "UNSUBSCRIBE".
Also, REVERSE does not sell or provide its subscribers' e-mail addresses to third parties.
Update of this Privacy and Cookie Policy
We may update this policy from time to time. Changes in technology, legislation, and authorities’ guidance may require us to inform you of the activities we undertake where it affects your privacy rights. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes.