Work Package 3: Infection Prevention and Control Programme

The overall objective of work package 3 is to determine the effects of an infection prevention and control programme to enhance basic and advanced infection prevention and control measures to decrease the incidence density of healthcare-associated CRE, CRPA and CRAB as well as the prevalence of CRE in repetitive prevalence surveys.
More specific aims for work package 3 are the following:
1. Perform a scoping exercise of available evidence on recommendations and successful infection prevention and control interventions for antimicrobial resistance control in high prevalence settings.
2. Produce bundles for successful infection prevention and control interventions.
3. Coordinate the setup, development and implementation of infection prevention and control interventions in the participating hospitals.
4. Test conventional and innovative infection prevention and control bundles for endemic antimicrobial resistance control including various tools and toolkits.
5. Analyse and evaluate the effects and identify the most successful antimicrobial resistance control interventions.
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