Work Package 4: Antibiotic Stewardship Programme


Work package 4 has the following objectives:

1. Develop evidence based antibiotic stewardship interventions to be implemented in the clinical study in work package 1.

2. Asses the effectiveness of antibiotic stewardship interventions based on patient case mix and most prevalent antimicrobial-resistant pathogens.

3. Test the integration of antibiotic stewardship recommendations with measures implemented in the infection prevention and control and microbiology and diagnostic stewardship availability.

4. Develop recommendations for clinical management strategies of severe infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria.

5. Provide clinical and epidemiological data to inform cost modelling to define the effectiveness of the stewardship modules by hospital setting and available resources, and define transferability including low-and-middle-income countries.


Leading Partner

University of Verona


Other Partners Involved

Andalusian Health Service, University of Florence

Relevant Publications
  • Araújo Ameijeiras, A, Vázquez Estévez, C, et al (for the REVERSE Study Group). Evaluación epidemiológica y terapéutica de pacientes con neutropenia febril antes de iniciar un PROA. Poster presented at: XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica 2024; May 2024; Zaragoza, Spain. 

    Publication date: 30 May 2024

    Authors: Alejandro Araújo Ameijeiras, Claudia Vázquez Estévez, Irene Figueroa Parada , Paloma Picallo Lombardía, Antonio Pérez Landeiro, Lucía Martínez Lamas, Pilar Retamar-Gentil, Elena Carrara, Ma Teresa Pérez-Rodríguez

    Journal: ePoster at XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica 2024

    Title: Evaluación epidemiológica y terapéutica de pacientes con neutropenia febril antes de iniciar un PROA.


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    File(s): SEIMC2024_NF_ePoster.pdf



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